ernesto colnago has been at the top of his profession since the 1950s. colnago has almost never ceased as an innovator since he started building lugged steel frames, culminating in this year's eps carbon frame, ridden by erik zabel in this year's tour de france. so now that he is in his mid-seventies, with a perfectly capable operation working around him, does he still have the same enthusiasm for the bicycle as we all hope he has?
as is the case with pretty much all thewashingmachinepost interviews, interviewer and interviewee are rarely in the same room at the same time. in this case, my lack of italian, and ernesto's limited english would doubtless prove a stumbling block. so in this case, i am extremely grateful to alessandro colnago (ernesto's nephew), who translated my questions, and subsequently ernesto's answers. the end result is more than worth it.
do all the current changes in bicycle technology excite you, or do you yearn for the days when it was lugged steel?
In these last years we have see many changes in bicycle technology, but not all of them excite me.
as one of the last of the major frame manufacturers to adopt, do you see any mechanical advantages in the integrated headset, or is it purely cosmetic?
When the integrated headset was first introduced, it had many problems. But now it seems that the marketplace wants it, so I examined the possibilities and options and Colnago realized a semi-integrated headset which has the same mechanical function as the more traditional model.
do you feel commercial pressure to innovate and improve, or is it still because the racing bicycle excites you?
I'm excited to create something new, as I love my job and in this way I can sponsor many racing teams.
do you feel your faith in tubes and lugs, despite the cost, has been justified in a world of monocoque carbon?
I think that the answer to your question is: yes. Building a frame with carbon lugs means that you need many many molds, allowing a large range of frame sizes. In fact we have more than 150 molds for the latest EPS frame.
how much further do you think colnago can go with carbon before the limits are reached?
I was the first to realize a carbon frame (22 years ago). Nobody believed it possible, but now all brands have a carbon frame. We are now studying many new materials with Ferrari Engineering.
as one of the very few top italian frame builders to still offer a lugged steel frame (master x-light), is this something you are keen to see continue for years to come?
The Master x- light is a legend. I first created its ancestor more than 30 years ago and in 2009 we will build more than 1000 master frames - IT IS A COLNAGO ESSENTIAL.
are colnago ever likely to produce a titanium frame in the foreseeable future?
As far as I am concerned, the weight advanatges of aluminium outweigh those of titanium, so it is unlikely that you will see a Colnago titanium frame in the future.
which model of frame do you use for your own riding?
If I was younger I'd ride an EP,S but now I'm 76 so I use a IBEX MTB bike.
will you ever produce an illustrated catalogue of the colnago museum.
In 2008 a Japanese magazine produced a complete magazine dedicated only to the Colnago museum, and I hope to produce one myself next year.
does it disappoint you that zabel, petacchi and freire will not be on colnago frames in 2009?
No. I'm happy that these champions rode with my bike for a long time.
how involved was erik zabel with the development of the eps frame?
Erik Zabel is our first tester of the bike. We embarked upon the project ourselves, and realized the bike you see today, after two years studying all the options.
is there still the same passion for the bicycle as you had in the 1950s?
YES OF COURSE. I love my job. I've the same passion for the bicycle I had in 1950. In fact, probably more.
is there still a need for colnago's involvement in top level racing?
Top level racing helps everybody, not only Colnago.
do you sell as many colnagos as you'd like to?
I prefer to sell on quality rather than quantity.
do you consider yourself an icon?
I consider myself a part of my sport. Colnago = professional cycling.
are there any hobbies outside cycling?
I've some hobbies, but my main hobby is my job, as I love it.
are you a happy man?
YES I'M VERY HAPPY as I realize my dreams during my life. I've a great family with me.
photo at top of page & black and white image
copyright ben ingham. reproduced with permission.
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