cyclevox might not have an immediate impact upon the cycling that you and i take part in, but it sure as heck is beginning to have an increasing influence on the cycling we all watch on telly, read about in the monthlies, and even here on the post. anthony mccrossan and brian smith are an excellent double act both in commentary and in person, and now they're in business together. so what's it all about today and tomorrow?
twmp: can you explain just what cyclevox is and what it does?
Both: The name literally means 'The voice of cycling'. Cyclevox is a media, sponsorship and consultancy company focused on the cycling industry. It is there for teams, brands, promoters and individuals to gain support, advice and action on how they need to progress an idea, a concept, or a vision. We have a great network of clients, contacts and experts who have already helped get new projects off the ground, secure sponsorship deals, launch brands and get events on television. 'And thats just the start of it!'
twmp: cyclevox has been a one man band (at the top) since its inception in 2007. will brian be a welcome addition to the problem and success sharing?
Anthony: Most definitely. Two heads are better than one. A new company has to set out its stall, develop business and then deliver it. A one man band is fine, but you need someone there to bounce ideas off and ultimately the more business you do, the more you need to build a trusted team. Brian brings a lot of skills, a fantastic network and a great work ethic to the company.
twmp: what do you see your respective duties being?
Brian: Anthony's strengths are in the commercial side of cycling while mine are...well...I'll let Anthony answer that...
Anthony - Do you really want me to? Brian knows the cycling world inside out. You can ask him: "Do you know someone who could do this?" and he generally does. And his philosophy is 'yes we can do this.' That's great to work with.
Both: First and foremost we are a commentary team and work as well as any others in the world of cycling. It is important to have respect for each other and also to know each otherŐs strengths and weaknesses. On the sponsorship side we can help any company with interests in cycling and also help companies already involved, with our experience and contacts.
twmp: was this always the plan (to have the two of you working together again), or has cyclevox initial success been too overwhelming for one?
We make a good team in commentary so why not in business? As long as we continue to work hard together, then i'm sure we will be a success together. Plans develop over time and the growth and the success Cyclevox has already achieved, makes it a sensible business decision for Brian to work with the company.
twmp: will cyclevox be initiating new projects, or is the plan to be at the service of others?
We are open to anything but our expertise and experience is providing a service to others. In the first year, Cyclevox has brokered the largest sponsorship deal in the European peloton by a British based company (Zipvit with Cervelo), launched Chris Hoy's Scholarship for him, worked with Sweetspot to develop the new Tour Series, filmed many promotional films, event DVDs and even produced the British BMX Championships for British Cycling and Sky Sports. That's just some of what was achieved in year one - so we are sure with Brian's added firepower, we will be launching new projects!
twmp: is there a degree of competition in your chosen field, or is cyclevox pre-eminent?
There is competition in any field, but we have built a solid reputation of trust, hard work ethic and have delivered a professional service. This will ensure we stay ahead of any other competition.
twmp: is the world of professional cycling in a healthy state at the moment?
Brian: Professional cycling is in a state of change at the moment and i think 2010 onwards will see cycling thrust into the world limelight.
Anthony - It's in a healthier state than it was two years ago. I am sitting here doing this interview at the Cervelo Test Team training camp and the buzz, motivation and hope for 2009 is extremely healthy.
twmp do you have a cyclevox strategy for the future, or do you take things as they come?
We always think long term. Short term gains are not for us. Our aim is to work with our clients, develop their plans with them and help them achieve more. We are always saying to them, 'How about this?' Or seeing a new way of doing something that will assist them; that isn't going to change. We are here to help them for years, not for months.
twmp at what level are your respective talents aimed? is cyclevox purely aimed at the professional level, or for the sake of example, could the ride of the falling rain approach cyclevox for logistical or commercial assistance?
We can help at all levels. Money is not always key to which projects we take on. We want to provide a service to help cycling at all levels. We have worked with teams and broadcasters at the highest level, but we think everyone could afford to work with us. We can scale up or scale down resources to match a budget.
twmp will you remain solely concentrated on the cycling market?
Cycling is where our expertise lies, but like everything you need to always look at the larger picture. We are already receiving enquiries from other sports to see if we can help them.
twmp brian was wearing cyclevox knee warmers at braveheart last year. is there a chance of cycle caps this year (and can i have one:-)?
We are looking into Cyclevox clothing at the moment and of course you will be looked after. And we'll do that a bit differently too!
twmp will the day come when we see a cyclevox logo on a cycle jersey?
That could be a possibility, but we want to see new companies on cycle jerseys first. Our sponsorship strategy is to bring new names and new brands into cycling. We are working with associates across the world to develop contacts and business for the benefit of this sport. Brian and I think it is more important to see money and investment being brought into the sport by Cyclevox, rather than Cyclevox buying space on kit ourselves.
twmp has/will cyclevox been involved in the technological development side of cycling, or do you plan to stay rigidly on the pr side of things.
We are always looking at having as many feathers in our bow as possible. You cannot limit what you do in any business you need to be able to diversify and learn new things.
twmp brian, do you see your joining cyclevox as the next logical step in your career? will this allow you to use your wealth of cycling experience and knowledge to best effect?
It's fantastic to have a career in the sport you love. Cyclevox will allow me to explore many more things in the world of cycling and i'm looking forward to its challenges.
twmp: who is the boss?
We are!
twmp: will you both remain involved in broadcasting, whatever form that may take?
I would say definitely yes, as this is where we started. It's important to remember your roots. In the last three years we have worked on every major cycle race in the world. The riders and teams know who we are and we love working with them. We hope you will hear more of us, not less.
twmp: might there be two-up podcasts for our entertainment in the near future?
We are open to anything. Only time management will determine what we get done at the end of the day.
twmp: now there are two - are there any plans to expand further on the personnel front?
Expansion is the key to any company and at the forefront of our minds. We are always looking to find new talent to add to the business, whether it be as employees or as associates. We have some tremendously talented people working with us on many projects: it's exciting to see them be creative and add value that is passed on to clients.That can only grow. It's tremendously satisfying.
twmp: which of you is the nominated sprinter for london-paris this year?
Brian: Anthony is rubbish at all disciplines of cycling and i have been there and done it, so we may need to take our cheque book on this year's ride.
Anthony: The interview had to end on a high note didnt it! | anthony mccrossan | brian smith cycling
posted on tuesday 20 january 2009