serendipity, as a word is every bit as effective as haberdashery, even though neither have any real connection in terms of their semantic definitions. but some words are just so intrinsically intriguing, even when stripped of any definition, that i'm always looking for an appropriate opportunity to use either. even antidisestablishmentarianism has joys and frustrations all of its own, particularly in the light of its self-contradictoriness. for if disestablishmentarianism defines the act of removing the virtues of establishmentarianism, then appending the prefix anti surely disavows the definition of disestablishmentarianism in the first place?
yes, my head hurts now too.
but the serendipitous nature of which i have need of outlining refers to the arrival, for once, of a product for review that so closely matches the perfect conditions required to do so, that serendipitous is likely the only pertinent way to describe the situation.
according to the bbc, the high pressure system that would more usually be currently positioned over southern europe, offering up our regular south-westerly prevailing winds, has taken note of global warming, and taken up station over scandinavia. therefore, the winds that have recently blasted much of the united kingdom, including the southern hebrides, are adhering to an east-south-easterly direction, and a whole sight colder than those that would more normally affect the weekend of palm sunday.
as of monday morning this past week, the road between kennacraig ferry terminal and campbeltown at the southern tip of the kintyre peninsula, was opened, under police convoy, after a weekend of being blocked by severe snow drifts, something i cannot recall having previously occured in the twenty-five years i have lived here. ferries being cancelled due to high winds is nothing new, but serious amounts of snow lying on the roads and surrounding fields at loch gorm on the atlantic coast, is not something you'd even find nearer christmas, never mind the week prior to easter.
the sunday morning ride took place in minus six degrees (celcius) gale force windchill. it was cold, a cold that has only moderated slightly in the ensuing days.
the serendipitous part can be explained by the arrival of a tube of dz nuts embrocation at the end of last week, just in time to coat both legs in copious quantities to defend against the cold. inheat can be purchased in three versions: low heat, medium heat and high heat; i'm here reviewing the low heat version. strangely, though the tube offers instruction on how to slather the lower limbs for best effect, very much against the grain, it advises doing so onto freshly shaved legs. most others i have had the good fortune to employ have often counselled against such practices, something that leaves one in a quandary if legs have been shaved, yet a biting cold invites the unwary. good for dz i say.
following instructions, i made good with the regulation slathering, one that offered a mildly aromatic sensation as well as a smooth tingling in the honed muscles, a tingling that happily continued to simmer for the entire duration of the sunday morning ride.
i confess that i have been often the purveyor of a healthy degree of cynicism towards the practice of embrocating, one that seemed a tad pretentious unless your name was boonen or cancellara. however, cold weather places irregular demands upon the hapless cyclist, leading to a swallowing of pride and suspending of that inner cynic.
i cannot attest to any greater level of speed due to this serendipitous embrocating, at least none that could be directly attributed without some post-ride scientificness. however, embrocating has never been about riding faster, simply remaining warm enough to attempt it in the first place. but considering i was never particularly fast in the first place, whether it does or doesn't is really of no nevermind. personally, i'll settle for a warm tingling.
dz nuts products are distributed in the uk by paligap | dz nuts inheat
wednesday 27th march 2013