i'd imagine there are few motorists who could raise their hand to affirm that under no circumstances had they ever knowingly broken the speed limit. the signs might say 70mph, but that calls into question all those passing in the outside lane when the speedo of the car in which you're travelling indicates that it is observing said speed limit. and though school kids are well aware that having a fly cigarette behind the school bike sheds is against the rules, anecdotally, there are many who push the limits of those rules. similarly having a can of cider or tennents lager while not yet eighteen. there are many aspects of contemporary life that arrive with strict embargoes, yet many an individual still considers that rules are there to be broken.
as conscientious cyclists and bike fettlers, we have been well-warned that lubrication of the chain ought not to be undertaken by liberal spraying as it passes over the sprockets, aided and abetted by vigorous back-pedalling. yet still we do so, particularly early on sunday mornings as we leave late for the bike ride only to recall that necessary bike fettling has, once again, been left undone. however, who could argue that the latter state of affairs is not a better solution than otherwise leaving for the scottish version of meteorology with an unlubricated chain?
i for one, would be inclined to answer yes.
the disparity arises from the fact that spraying the chain with wd40 or comparable light lubricant places it on the uppermost surface, the very one that never actually comes in contact with either sprockets or chainrings. this is why the instructions that arrive with the majority of chain lubricants advise placing a single drop on the innermost face of the chain-rollers. this accomplishes the lubrication aspects of the equation, while minimising any excess appearing on the side-plates or other parts of the transmission that may wish to remain unblemished. in which case, why have the clever people at green oil flown in the face of best practice and produced a can of spraylube?
to be honest, it's all well and good promoting the finer points of chain lubrication, but a degree of pragmatism goes a long way. many will have read of the excessive man hours expended in providing the great and good with highly expensive bicycle chains that have been steam-cleaned within an inch of their side-plates and laboriously hand lubricated with exacting precision to further increase the much-vaunted, and screamingly low frictional co-efficient of the untrammeled bicycle chain, aiding and abetting the pinnacles of the sport to achieve milliseconds of advantage over their opponents or the progress of a one-hour digital timer.
the majority of us, however, just like water, will often adopt the path of least resistance, especially at stupid o'clock on a sunday morning. and it's not just us, for the army of professional fettlers all across the land have need of water-displacement products and light lubricants in their own velocipedinal machinations. many of those contain polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe), a propellant that is less than kind to the human experience. green oil's eco-spray, which arrives in a 400ml, recyclable steel container, is 100% biodegradable and non-toxic.
the eco-spray can be used to lubricate brake-lever pivots, pedals, gear mechs, caliper brake pivots and anything else that needs a touch of spraylube, including an errant, squeaky chain.
embarrassingly enough, the sunday morning scenario mentioned above was hardly fictional, and nor, sad to say, was it a one-off. dragging the ritchey logic from thewashingmachinepost bikeshed, it occurred that the usual saturday afternoon inspection had been missing in action. i'm sure i have no need of underlining just how humiliating it would have been midst the velo club peloton had an increasingly loud squeak been heard emanating from a campagnolo chain, mere centimetres from those honed calf muscles. i would have been ashamed to impinge upon the ritchey in such a remissive manner. thankfully, close to hand was a 400ml can of green oil eco-spray lube.
at only £10.99 per can, i know it makes sense.
friday 24 february 2023